Use cases

The capacity provided by the Mixed Reality Service to bind an arbitrary URI to a specific geospatial location has manifold uses.

Foremost, MRS allows entities to discover location-based information with no more data than their geospatial coordinates. Using MRS, every piece of land, house, or commercial property can publish its own highly-specific set of metadata via URI.

The content of this metadata varies entirely on application and situation.

In the simplest case, a URI could refer to an HTML resource.

In a civic context, MRS can provide a mapping to metadata that allows the environment to 'speak for itself' about available resources and permitted uses.

In a commercial context, MRS mapped URIs could include commercially useful metadata such as hours of operation, or a building directory of tenants and services.

In a health and safety context, MRS can provide real-time metadata warning of on-site hazards, remediation, and emergency contact details.

In an entertainment context, MRS can be used to permission or restrict certain kinds of activities (such as AR games like Pokemon Go), defining play areas and removing the threat of accidental trespass or nuisance violations.

In the context of autonomous vehicles, MRS can allow a vehicle to interactively discover the metadata necessary to guide itself through an unknown or dynamic environment.

This list of MRS use cases is meant to be illustrative rather than exhaustive.